Your Guide to SEO Plugins for WordPress

David Hughes
David Hughes

As new businesses open, most of them now launch with a plan to maintain a website. With e-commerce options available for almost all kinds of businesses these days, it only makes sense.

Of course, you must get your set up and running first. One of the most popular options for website building is the WordPress content management system, which supports about 40 percent of all websites.

You must also worry about getting people onto your site, which means search engine optimization. Fortunately, there are WordPress SEO plugins that can help you out.

Keep reading for some of the best SEO plugins for your WordPress site.

Yoast SEO

One of the most popular SEO plugins out there for WordPress is the Yoast SEO plugin. Yoast offers a near-comprehensive set of tools and options to help you boost your website’s SEO performance.

Yoast comes in a free and premium version. The premium version extends and expands on the free options.

Of course, no plugin can do everything. So you should consider options like search filters to improve your user experience. You can read more here about filters.

All In One SEO

One of the main Yoast competitors in terms of a WordPress SEO plugin is All In One SEO or AIOSEO. Much like Yoast, AOISEO offers an extensive toolkit of options that can help you beef up your SEO game. Some of the features include:

  • XML sitemaps
  • SEO Health Check
  • Post Improvement Options

AOISEO also offers both free and premium versions. The free version is still a highly functional option that can work well for new businesses.


Another of the big guns in the world of WordPress SEO plugins, SEMRush is considered the best option on the market by some.

It offers wide-ranging features like a writing assistant for posts, search term research, and SEO templates. It also does well in terms of integrating with other plugins.


For anyone who doesn’t love the SEMRush interface, but does like the functions and features it offers, Ahrefs is an excellent stand-in. You get a very similar set of functions and features, but a different user experience in the interface.


SEOPress serves as a somewhat more basic option that still offers key SEO tools for your WordPress site. One of its main benefits is that it’s typically a less expensive option, which many business owners appreciate in the early days of getting the business up and running.

WordPress SEO Plugins and You

Getting your website off the ground means ticking a lot of boxes. You need a functional, easy-to-use option for building the site. That’s where WordPress comes into the picture.

You also need a practical method for getting your SEO game in order. The WordPress SEO plugins listed above can help you do exactly that. You should spend some time reading up on each plugin and even testing out their free versions. You want one that provides the essential tools, but also uses an interface you like.

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