What’s Your Strategy to Prioritize Software Defects and Communicate Them?

David Hughes
David Hughes

The path from the initial idea of the code to the flawless end product presents difficulties throughout the software development life cycle. The team collects user requirements, examines them, designs the user interface, and then creates and tests the necessary software. When a tester notices an unexpected behavior while testing, they report it as a defect. Since defects can affect functionality, user experience, or even security at any development point, they are among the most difficult to deal with.

There is a chance that multiple defects could be reported all at once when the project is huge. In such a situation, going over every flaw could be time-consuming. It is advised to automate the defect reporting process in such circumstances. The process of automatically reporting flaws and defects once a test fails can be done using a variety of automated testing tools.

Each defect has its importance and effect, there is no such thing as small defects. The process of prioritizing defects is crucial since it defines the sequence in which these problems are resolved.

This article will cover how to prioritize software defects and how to effectively communicate them to the right developers and testers without wasting resources, missing deadlines, or sacrificing quality. It will also cover why prioritizing software defects is important. Let’s start by discussing what software flaws are.

Software defects

Software defects slow down development, change the way the application behaves when it does not perform as intended, and give users a negative impression of the result. A defect could be cosmetic, behavioral, or functional. Any deviance from the user story, any UI error, or software that does not work as planned by the developer is referred to as a defect.

They are typically discovered during the testing process. It may happen for several reasons, including faulty coding, inadequate knowledge of the requirements, poor teamwork, misunderstandings of the needs and designs, complexity of the code, design, architecture, environmental changes, and others.

When we consider the expense of fixing defects, their true cost becomes apparent. The earlier they are discovered, the less expensive they are to fix; the later they are discovered, the more expensive they are to fix.

Software defects prioritization

In the testing stage, defect tracking is crucial, but it can be a difficult and time-consuming task. The proper documentation of defects is necessary to comprehend them. It has to include information on the working area, classification, modification, methods to recreate, and screenshots. Additionally, testers who found the problem, information on the developer who is in charge of resolving it, and other things.

There are a variety of helpful bug-tracking tools that make it simple to track and communicate flaws between various development teams to quickly navigate complexity and fix them.

Why prioritize software defects?

It’s crucial to prioritize software defects so that your testing efforts are concentrated on the most important problems that have the most effects on the functioning, usability, and security of the application. Prioritizing defects in software also helps save time and money by preventing spending them on issues that don’t significantly affect the user experience or commercial value of the application.

That is why it’s crucial to establish an effective strategy for prioritizing defects. You need to comprehend the effects of defects on the reliability of the application and on its users to invest the technical resources appropriately on bug fixes and feature development. Then you can without a doubt claim that defects are of sufficient importance to warrant inclusion in a sprint together with your efforts on developing new features.

Strategies to prioritize software defects

There is always a conflict between fixing defects and adding new functionality. And it is normal for teams to struggle with choosing where to focus their attention when it comes to ranking these two competing but equally crucial tasks. Since testing procedures and development processes are rapidly evolving, so must strategies for managing defects and feature requests. Teams can enjoy more flexibility than ever when adding features, making modifications, and checking for defects by having an efficient plan in place for prioritizing them.

However, a significant issue is that prioritizing flaws is not always obvious. Knowing how much damage a defect can do is important because not all flaws are equal and deserve fixing. Therefore, it’s crucial to first understand the type of defect.

Know your defect types

Not all defects are created equal; instead, they are often ranked in order of severity, which reflects how seriously they will affect the quality of the application. Some of the defects are major, some are small, some are functional, some are reported by users, and some are discovered internally.

You must utilize a consistent naming and labeling system and classify the defects according to their impact, frequency, severity, and origin. While issues with the lowest priority and the lowest severity don’t require immediate attention, those with the highest priority and the highest severity are significant and must be fixed first.

Focus on user impact by grouping defects according to the root cause

The number of users who are impacted by the flaw is one of the most crucial factors to take into account. In general, a defect that only impacts one user is likely to be less urgent than one that affects a broad user base. This requires both organizing errors by their core causes and mapping errors to users because doing so increases understanding of the effects of each error.

It is considerably simpler to evaluate a mistake when similar faults are grouped since you can see exactly how frequently an error occurred. This visibility provides the knowledge needed to successfully prioritize defects. Additionally, it allows you to order results based on these parameters, so that you can see how prevalent a defect is.

Use a prioritization matrix

A prioritization matrix tool, which aids in rating the defects based on severity and urgency, is one of the most popular and easy ways to prioritize software defects. There are various techniques and criteria for doing this. The difference between severity and urgency is how much the flaw impacts the software’s functionality or quality and how quickly the flaw needs to be corrected.

Based on these two criteria, you can give each defect a priority level and arrange them into one of four groups. High severity and high urgency, for instance, would go under the category of problems that should be fixed quickly, while low severity and high urgency would fall under the category of problems that could be fixed quickly, and low severity and low urgency would fall under problems that should be fixed slowly.

By using a prioritization matrix you can better align the defect resolution with business objectives and stakeholder expectations.

Use a tool for defect tracking

It helps users centrally and orderly create, update, identify, document, prioritize, allocate, and track their defect reports. Additionally, it offers practical tools like filters, search, notifications, reports, and analytics. Utilizing a defect-tracking solution improves responsibility, transparency, and collaboration, resulting in high-quality software and a seamless user experience. Jira, Bugzilla, Mantis, and Trello are a few of the widely used defect-tracking tools.

Use intelligent alerting

Making notifications smarter is a wonderful place to start when it comes to prioritization. To avoid alert fatigue, all test teams should choose to get notifications for only new types of issues, defects that occur frequently, and defects that occur more frequently than usual.

In this manner, you may maintain focus on problems that you have not come across previously or that could affect users more severely.

Temporarily silence errors until they reach a critical level

There are situations where a defect needs to be resolved later on if it becomes more common, but up until that point, you shouldn’t give it much thought.

Because those flaws could take your attention away from mistakes that need to be fixed right now. To avoid leaving them there alone, it is preferable to snooze notifications for them until they hit a crucial threshold.

Focus on key areas of your code

Another method of setting priorities is to decide in advance which parts of the code you want to pay closer attention to. For instance, if you need to track and prioritize defects more immediately on the signup page or in the application’s checkout section. You can input this custom diagnostic data and apply a filter to see all the faults affecting this part of the code.

Concentrate on the latest releases

Only viewing mistakes in the most significant releases, such as the most recent or possibly two most recent releases, is another method for simplifying prioritization. Since many of those using it may have upgraded, supporting earlier versions of the application will be less necessary, allowing you to concentrate on fixing faults in the most recent versions of the application.

How to communicate software defects to the developers

You must convey the application’s defects to the developers, managers, and clients in a clear and precise manner after prioritizing them. Software development teams must be able to effectively communicate faults to address them, fix them, and increase user’s happiness.  Maintaining open lines of communication with the team’s stakeholders and team members enables you to share your findings and feedback as well as work out any issues or problems that may come up.

This can be accomplished by giving each defect a special identification number for quick reference. Indicate the severity of the flaw by classifying it as critical, major, or minor, and explain how it affects the user experience or system functionality. You can also show the defect and give further information by including screenshots, videos, logs, or bits of code. Mention any particular settings or data inputs that cause the issue.

Additionally, adhere to the organization’s best practices and standards, such as adopting a standard vocabulary, format, and methodology when reporting defects.

In other words, working closely with the team, keeping good documentation and communication, and streamlining the defect management process will lead to more robust and reliable applications.

Leveraging LambdaTest platform to mark and report bugs

The most important part of the software development process is prioritizing defects. Teams require effective methods, like those described above, for tracking and prioritizing defects and feature requests if they are to produce high-quality applications more quickly. Building efficient and scalable applications requires logging, managing, and fixing every defect, no matter how little or serious it may be.

There are numerous modern defect-tracking tools on the market, but picking the top one is crucial. One such solution is the LambdaTest platform which offers defect-tracking capabilities and seamless integration with all well-known bug-tracking programs, including Jira, Asana, Trello, Bugasura, etc.

LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that enables developers and testers to perform live-interactive and automation testing of their websites and applications at scale across more than 3000 environments and real mobile devices.

With the help of its defect tracking tools, it makes defects visible and guarantees that they are corrected by enabling organizations to maintain a record of discovered errors. This unites the entire team by enhancing communication through chat interfaces, enabling end users to submit bug reports and feature requests directly through their applications, and making it simple to allocate problems and prioritize defects.

Different developer tools that LambdaTest enables for app and web testing make it simpler to find and fix errors right away. Developers may find all the issues while testing their web and mobile apps in real-world circumstances thanks to the cloud’s capacity to test on a real device. Consequently improving efficiency while also easing the defect-tracking process.

Additionally, it offers an integrated issue tracker that enables live interactive testing of web applications while keeping track of and managing defects in one location, coordinating with team members, and prioritizing work with a single click. Additionally, it enables generating the logged defects in PDF and other formats, sending them to team members via shared links and emails, and much more.


Defects are indeed an inevitable component of software development. Every software tester has likely encountered a circumstance where they discovered defects in the software testing process.

There are so many different sorts of software defects that, no matter how thoroughly you test, some may nevertheless manage to get through the testing stage and into production. This is why it’s so important to understand how to appropriately prioritize them to significantly improve the effectiveness and quality of software testing.

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